A Message From Charles Houston, Executive Director
The Governor has initiated increases in the N.Y. State minimum wage for fast food workers and State employees. Provider groups across New York State have communicated to the Governor’s office and the Division of the Budget how devastating it would be to agencies like QCP if we did not receive funding to increase the wages we pay to our Direct Support and other staff to at least keep up with these minimum… wage increases. Before the Governor releases his budget proposal on January 13, 2016, we have one last chance to influence whether he puts funding in his budget proposal for Direct Support staff in connection with the scheduled increase for fast food workers and State employees.
The link below is to the IAC Take Action page and includes a sample letter to the Governor (which should be modified depending on who is writing the letter). The page also provides a list of Assembly-members and Senators who should also be contacted. Your letters and e-mails are crucial.
We need to speak up and fight for the funding we deserve, particularly now. We need to get this done as soon as possible, and no later than the first week of January. Let’s let the Governor know we are here and that our staff deserves the necessary funding for the important work QCP and similar agencies do across the State!
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