Achilles International, an organization whose mission it is to empower individuals with any type of disability by training them for mainstream sporting events, has teamed with the St. John’s Women’s Track and Field Team to host people served QCP Day Services programs for weekly track workouts.
Sixteen individuals take part in the workouts, which consist of 15 minutes of warm-up and 30-40 minutes of running or walking on the track. The workouts enhance the participants’ self-esteem and lower the barriers that are often imposed on individuals with a disability. The program exemplifies the goals of QCP’s mission to promote independence, increase community involvement and improve the quality of life of the individuals we serve.
“There was an immediate bond and respect between the groups – with smiles on all faces,” said Jim Hurt, St. John’s women’s track and field coach. “We look forward to working with them each week, as this has proven to be a very worthwhile and enjoyable experience for all involved.”