QCP’s Beacon of Strength, Hope and Love

QCP’s Beacon of Strength, Hope and Love


At 11 months old, Liam was left with third degree burns over 95 percent of his body after surviving a deadly house fire that claimed the lives of his grandfather, mother, and sister.

Liam’s burns were so severe that he was given just a one percent chance of survival by ER doctors. They warned Liam’s family that if he survived he would endure multiple surgeries, lifelong treatment, and round-the-clock care. That was three years ago.

Today, Liam is thriving! He is in his second year at Queens Centers for Progress’ APPLE Preschool where he receives special education services and occupational, physical and speech therapies on a daily basis.

At first, Liam was hesitant to explore and resistant to physical assistance when offered. However, through the dedicated work of QCP staff, Liam adjusted to his classroom routine and became comfortable with the teachers who service his needs. Despite the hurdles he continues to face, Liam is making wonderful progress.

Liam has become more vocal, and is able to call for attention and communicate his likes and dislikes. He smiles at his classmates during circle time; he has improved sitting independently; he is able to shift his weight and maintain his balance. His favorite activity is to go on the suspended swings. His laughter is infectious as he expresses joy from the movement.

Despite his many physical limitations – Liam tries his best and always has a smile. He is becoming more independent and demonstrates strength, hope and love.

We are so proud of Liam. The remarkable progress he’s made is a shining example of how QCP impacts the lives of those we have touched for over seventy years.

By increasing children’s independence and self-confidence, we help them soar.

Our children’s center is at the mercy of the State budget and the city’s Department of Education. We rely on private contributions that enable QCP to purchase costly equipment, enhance our programs and services, and defray the costs of therapeutic and educational services – like the ones offered to Liam.

Will you help us to help our children have a brighter future? Donate today. 

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